The impact of the Cold War and the forced overthrow of the government

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■ Cambodia (1970)

Prince Noro Don Thi Hanu, who won the 1955 parliamentary election and came to power, China, By making friends with the North Vietnamese, he kept Cambodia out of the Vietnam War and integrated left-wing parties into mainstream politics. However, in 1967, the left movement emerged. In 1968, the Khmer Rouge Communist Party began a rebellion against Thien Hanu. After the 1968 Tet Offensive, Thi Hanu realized that North Vietnam was going to lose the war. As a result, he began improving relations with the United States.

In 1969, Henry Kissinger said, Thi Anu approved the U.S. bombing of North Vietnamese targets in Cambodia. However, this topic is very controversial as other sources also mention it.

In March 1970, after a motion of no confidence was submitted to the Cambodian National Assembly, Thien Hanu was ousted by right-wing General Lon Nol. The removal followed a structural process, and most of the stories show how Cambodian activists were instrumental in Thi Hanu’s removal. Historians disagree about the extent of American involvement or the degree to which Thienhu was forewarned, but generally accepted evidence suggests that American military intelligence was innocent.

As early as late 1968, there is evidence that Lon Nol told US military intelligence that the US would agree to a coup plot and take military action against Prince Thi Hanu and his government. The coup destabilized the country, sparking a two-year civil war between the right-wing Khmer People’s Republic and Kumer Rouge forces. The Khmer Rouge has been backed by the Vietnamese People’s Army, backed by intensified US bombing of the Khmer Republic. Eventually, the Communists captured Phnom Penh and won the civil war. The Communists established Democratic Kampuchea.

Seeing General Suharto sitting in the presidential chair for the first time since General Suharto was sworn in as the President of Indonesia in 1967.
Seeing General Suharto sitting in the presidential chair for the first time since General Suharto was sworn in as the President of Indonesia in 1967.

■ Chile (1970-1973)

Between 1960 and 1969, the Soviet Union provided the Chilean Communist Party with between US$50,000 and US$400,000 annually.

The US government conducted military operations in Chile from 1963 until the coup in 1973. The CIA was involved in every election held in Chile during that period.

In 1964, the United States government gave $2.6 million to Christian Democratic Party presidential candidate Eddodo Fremontavera to prevent Salvador Allende and the Chilean Socialist Party from winning. The U.S. used the CIA in the case of $12 million for business interests to use to damage Allende’s reputation.

It is clear that the Soviet Union worked in Chile to make Marxism successful. From a contemporary American perspective, the United States needs to thwart this hostile influence. Because it is clear that Soviet money and power came to Chile to weaken American democracy. Therefore, the United States is providing financial support to Chile in order to destroy the influence that is perceived to be destructive.

Before Allende was sworn in as president, Rene Schneider, the chief of staff of the Chilean army, was the target of the kidnapping of General Camilo Van Lanzeule on October 19, 1970. Schneider is considered a general who is a major obstacle to military officers who want to seize power. The failed kidnapping was said to have been backed by the CIA. Three days later, Schneider was killed during another kidnapping attempt led by General Roberto Vio.

The social unrest caused by the right-wing Chilean Congress and Allende after the presidency was handed over; The political unrest continues for a while, and the economic war that the US is waging is also going on. U.S. President Richard Nixon said he would blow up Chile’s economy to prevent Allende from coming to power or topple him.

On September 11, 1973, President Allende was overthrown by the Chilean military and the Chilean National Police, and power was transferred to the government of Augusto Pinochet. The CIA secretly prepared conditions for the coup through Project FUBELT, codenamed Truck II. The US initially denied any involvement
